Extra pages, failed experiments, etc.

Pages that don’t fit anywhere else, or are undeserving of the spotlight

Welcome to the extended menu! This is where pages that don’t fit elsewhere on the website or have simply been forgotten end up. Small pages that don’t deserve a spot on the main navigation bar, discontinued sections and forgotten drafts, pages can end up here for a variety of reasons. This doesn’t mean they’re bad, they just belong with the other misfits.

My impossible list

A list of personal challenges and goals that evolves as life goes on. A type of evolving bucket list, according to Joel Runyon. Should be updated as I complete items on the list and add new ones. Hopefully it lives up to the original definition of an impossible list.

Notes, a public notebook

Dead as of 2023-05-06, this section was supposed to contain some study notes and other useful information on things I was learning. I found it preferable to write articles to the blog section instead. Nevertheless, the bit of text I wrote is still here if you want to read it.