On linear history with Git: rebase, merge, squash

To rebase or not to rebase, that is the question…

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be an expert on Git, nor do I claim to have a lot of experience in source code management tools. This article is being written as I decide what I want for my own projects, and how I position myself on the application of each “philosophy”, so to speak. This topic is controversial in ways I hadn’t even imagined before.

Note: Decent knowledge of Git and its terminology is assumed here. Some commands might be shown, but explanations about what a commit, a branch, etc. are will not be present. Links to documentation will be added on occasion.

What is linear history?

A repository’s commit history is said to be linear (sometimes semi-linear) when there are no parallel branches of development with visible changes. In other words, changes follow a strict order, which may or may not be chronological. Put more succinctly, you are able to follow the commit history without having to branching out at any point in time.

An example of linear history:

* a64cdd6 feat(bar): extend new feature
* 8bce4d5 feat(bar): introduce new feature
* 12757f0 feat(foo): send processed info to server
* f26b0a5 feat(foo): process some information
* 3016bae chore: starting this repository

These commits are in a clear and direct order: 3016bae, then f26b0a5, and so on until we reach a64cdd6. We can perfectly understand the project’s evolution, especially if we can count on well crafted commit messages.

Speaking of commits, projects of every scale tend to follow workflows that — at least on paper — follow the general guidelines of “commit often, branch out for every feature.” As we rungit merge to incorporate changes, soon we’ll have created “train tracks” in our Git history.

However, if we try to preserve linearity when merging, we’ll likely request a rebase before every merge. In the end, picking merge commits over a fast-forward merge, our history will take a shape that we often refer to by “semi-linear”:

*   1d26fed merge: feature/bar into master
| * be56591 feat(bar): extend new feature
| * ad2cf56 feat(bar): introduce new feature
*   189e487 merge: feature/foo into master
| * 36d49e6 feat(foo): send processed info to server
| * 1528f6c feat(foo): process some information
* 3ad35f0 chore: starting this repository

There are technically parallel branches, but changes are always on only one of them, while the other is a direct link between the merge-base of our significant branch and its end point. That way, we do not lose the ability to follow changes made to the work tree sequentially.

To do so, you need only “flatten” the history above. The result, without taking commit hashes into consideration, is the same as the first commit history shown here. The “layers”, “levels”, branches, however you wish to call them, serve the function of identifying each arc of the development process, or at least the times we stopped to review what was done.

Train tracks

You might not know it by this name, but the following is an example of a commit history that we call “train tracks”:

*   1805ccb merge: bar into master
| * 9232bac feat(bar): more stuff
| * 87ddf92 feat(bar): do stuff
* | 2cb78b7 something changed again
* |   1e7e0e8 merge: foo into master
|\ \
| * | 4b0d990 feat(foo): add something else
| * | 51fb8b4 feat(foo): something something
| |/
* / 26339fc whoops, something changed here
* f51dc43 chore: start

Notice how difficult it is to read changes made to the code in a well ordered manner. It isn’t impossible, and it isn’t wrong: Git was designed to be able to merge vastly different development branches, since many people working on the same file tree cannot always stop to update their local histories. Instead you work while hoping there aren’t merge conflicts in the end.

What is the meaning of history to you? What about Git?

Before we list the pros and cons of having linear history, I believe it is necessary to discuss the subjective aspect of commit history. Git is a version control software, but the question of which versions should be stored is very relevant.

Some possible answers:

Perhaps the reasoning behind each answer can be explained by their use of Git. Do we wish to preserve history as it really happened, or do we wish to compose the clean and comprehensible story of how our project was developed? If we find a bug, do we search for the change that introduced it by using git bisect and automated tests, or do we just look for the piece of code that is causing the bug?

In my opinion, the history should show the evolution of the project and not every developer’s involvement. I say that because I see commits as part of documentation, and changes scattered across 30 pages is more difficult to read than well structured sections in a clear order.

In an ideal world, no commit would introduce bugs, and Git hooks could be used to run tests before every new commit. In reality, be it a result of carelessness, whim, or rebase, we frequently create commits that break the tests that hopefully exist. This article explains some drawbacks of using git rebase, but it does so from a standpoint of someone who uses Git to find the source of an error, or like a “safety net.”

I ask the reader:

  1. Those who defend the merge strategy claim that there are few people who know how to rebase. How many people do you know who not only know of the bisect command, but also how to use it?

  2. Using Git as a debugging tool depends on a well written test for bisect, which is compatible up to its starting point, as well as on developers who test their changes before each commit. Do you see that as a common thing?

  3. Those who defend the merge strategy claim rebase is “rewriting history”. It is indeed, but if history is messy and involves changes that break the build or testing process, wouldn’t bisect fail us anyway?

  4. We can squash commits before they’re merged and in doing so guarantee they’re going to work, so we can bisect with more confidence, but… isn’t that also rewriting history?

It is a well written article that raises a good point, but that creates a requirement even harder to meet than being able to perform a measly rebase. After all, if every developer tested their own changes before committing them, why would we need CI builds?

What happens in practice

I will sound pessimistic and arrogant in saying this, but the majority of developers, no matter the company, will create commits without testing their changes, without reviewing them, without updating their local history before creating a new branch. Try not to read this as criticism, as I myself am guilty of these same sins. Instead, read my words as mere paraphrasing of the maxim “it is only human to make mistakes.”

Building upon this mutual understanding of “we’re going to screw up,” we can imagine real situations that might take place when applying one strategy over the other, and even name them:

  1. Free-for-all, chaos, or harsh reality: to preserve history as it is, keeping every change made by the developer, even if their branch originates 80 commits ago, and 80% of changes to be incorporated have to do with conflict resolution. Since squash and maybe even CI builds are absent, it is not possible to guarantee each commit in the repository passes the testing phase.

    • It is not possible to follow the history sequentially.
    • It is not easy to find errors using bisect.
    • Each developer’s history is preserved.
  2. Compressed changes or code bombs: before each merge, no matter where the source branch started, squash and rebase the proposed commits, so a single commit is merged in the end. CI builds will guarantee the final commit — that becomes a code bomb with potentially thousands of lines — passes the testing phase.

    • It is possible to follow the history sequentially, but there’ll most likely be code bombs here and there.
    • It is relatively easy to find errors using bisect, but they end up hidden in big diffs.
    • The history of each developer is not preserved, for commits end up being dropped.
  3. Linearity at last: to perform a rebase before each merge, guaranteeing changes to be incorporated find their starting point at the most recent version of their target branch, even if that means abandoning commits that previously passed the automated testing phase.

    • It is possible to follow the history sequentially.
    • It is possible to pinpoint errors using bisect, but there might be plenty of false positives due to broken commits.
    • The history of each developer is not preserved, as commits will likely need to be recreated.
  4. The automated tests dictatorship: linearity is no longer the focus, and instead the aim is for every commit to pass the automated testing phase. The developer must guarantee each commit being proposed passes the available tests, and that there are no merge conflicts. Afraid to be called an imbecile, the developer makes all the changes they need to at once and runs the tests before submitting a single commit, which could’ve easily been the result of a squash, like in the situation described in item 2.

    • It is possible to follow the history sequentially, but there’ll likely be code bombs.
    • It is relatively easy to find errors using bisect, but they end up hidden in big diffs.
    • The history of each developer is scary, but preserved.

Right now, I’m leaning towards situation number 3, thinking it’s the lesser of all evils.