Writing your program in C can make it slower

Or rather, it can compell you to make it slower!

If you asked me what I thought of programming about a decade ago, my young, inexperienced, zealot self would have likely told you everybody should be programming in C, so that all programs could be really fast, and that programmers who complained about the language were just too lazy to deal with memory allocation and pointers. How mistaken I was!

I’m pretty sure I attributed every bit of slow software or transition to lazy Java programmers:

Here, I’m gonna press the right button on the remote and let’s wait for the animation to be over. See how many seconds that took? That’s the fault of Java and lazy programmers. If it had been written in C…

— Me, pointing to a smart TV interface

My views have naturally changed since then. The folly of youth can only last so long, after all: making mistakes and finding alternative routes teaches you more quickly than any other avenue. Haskell taught me how an elegant language can still be compiled into optimal programs, and time showed me optimization at an algorithmic and architectural level has much greater an impact on performance.

What I with to allude to in this post, however, has nothing to do with compiler optimizations, and only a little to do with algorithmic complexity. Much is said about how C continues to be the go-to language for performance sensitive applications, but I feel like not enough is said about the inherent laziness of programmers making the language sometimes a poor choice.

A concrete example of what I’m talking about

The example that led me to this realization is a niche, but frustrating one — personally frustrating, as I just submitted a 900+ lines patch to it — stalonetray, a standalone system tray for X11. Specifically how it translates parameter values to enumerated values. That likely gives it away to the C programmers reading this.

The following snippet was taken from src/settings.c:

147if (!strcmp(str, "none"))
148    **tgt = DOCKAPP_NONE;
149else if (!strcmp(str, "simple"))
150    **tgt = DOCKAPP_SIMPLE;
151else if (!strcmp(str, "wmaker"))
152    **tgt = DOCKAPP_WMAKER;
153else {
154    PARSING_ERROR("none, simple, or wmaker expected", str);
155    return FAILURE;

For the sake of those who for some reason can’t easily read C, the above snippet goes through the following steps:

  1. If the string str is equal to "none", set the value of **tgt to the value of DOCKAPP_NONE.
  2. Otherwise, if the string str is equal to "simple", set the value of **tgt to the value of DOCKAPP_SIMPLE.
  3. Otherwise, if the string str is equal to "wmaker", set the value of **tgt to the value of DOCKAPP_WMAKER.
  4. Otherwise, print an error message and return FAILURE.

It is important to note that despite the presence of string literals, C strings are not first-class values in C. They are pointers to the first character of said string, and the string is said to end when a character with the value of 0 (also written '\0') is found. There is no simpler implementation than this one in a programming language.

Because of that, string comparison is really character subtraction: a naive definition for the C standard library’s strcmp function — its totally creative name stands for string comparison — is as follows:

int strcmp(const char *a, const char *b)
    for(; *a && *b && *a == *b; a++, b++);
    return *a - *b;

A little cryptic? We do have an empty for loop there, and make use of pointer arithmetic. Here’s an equivalent implementation, but with inline comments explaining each step of our algorithm:

int strcmp(const char *left, const char *right)
    // While the left and right strings are not over, and their first character
    // is the same...
    while ( *left != '\0' && *right != '\0' && *left == *right ) {
        // Discard their first characters in this function.
        left  = left  + 1; // left + 1 points to the next char in the string.
        right = right + 1; // right + 1 points to the next char in the string.

    // Characters in C are just bytes, so we can subtract their numeric values
    // and implicitly cast the result to int. Return such a difference.
    return *left - *right;

This is a linear algorithm, with complexity O(n). A comparison between equal strings is the worst case scenario, as the function iterates both strings until it finds two different characters or the end of either string.

So the chain of if statements in the snippet I showed you isn’t just ugly, it’s not the most efficient way to do what the code purports itself to do. Let’s forget whether performance matters for this particular scenario, as that isn’t relevant at this time. Assuming there is a real chance of the number of enumerations — and consequently the chain of conditionals — increasing, the code starts to accumulate wasted CPU cycles. A hash table would be much more efficient, but would it read as well?

The lazy programmer

Programmers strive to be lazy. Computer programming is a way to automate otherwise tedious tasks: let the machine do the work we don’t want to do ourselves, as it can crunch numbers much faster than we can. It is only natural for us to want to forget about how the underlying machine works, and focus on declaring what we want to do in the most concise way possible.

This last sentence, combined with what has already been said, is the crux of my argument: we seek efficiency in our code, but more importantly we seek efficiency in the use of our time and energy. If we can achieve what we want with fewer words, we’ll hardly think twice about it. In the particular case of the snippet I showed you, the programmer likely thought one or more of:

And so the chain of conditionals was born! Hardly a cardinal sin.

But would it really be unmaintainable?

This is a simple generic hash table implementation called uthash, which could’ve been added as a dependency to make the code more readable. Have a read through the project’s files. A specific const char * -> int implementation wouldn’t be too different from what you see there, except perhaps for the appearance of fewer preprocessor macros.

Summarizing, the programmer wouldn’t have a great time writing it, or reading it in the future.

So what should we do?

I hate to say this, but use a modern language if you can. The C programming language is here to stay, likely for a long time after Rust and Go become more widespread. It’s a great systems programming language, but if you’re going to use it, you already know what setbacks, if any, stand in your way. Compare the stalonetray snippet to these naive, carelessly written snippets.


Hash tables exist as dictionaries, a built-in data structure, with an easy to read literal representation that resembles JSON.

from enum import Enum

class DockAppMode(Enum):
  # ...

dockapp_mode_dict = {
  "none": DOCKAPP_NONE,
  "simple": DOCKAPP_SIMPLE,
  "wmaker": DOCKAPP_WMAKER

def parse_dockapp_mode(s):
  return dockapp_mode_dict[s]


Hash tables exist as the Map type from Data.Map, but we have more modern tools to do what we want. Here are a few possibilities, starting with a derived instance of the Read typeclass:

-- With this, just use 'None', 'Simple', or 'WMaker' for the strings!
data DockAppMode = None | Simple | WMaker deriving (Show, Read)

We can also take advantage of pattern matching and let the compiler figure out how to optimize it for us. No need to compare strings ourselves with another function, or write a chain of if-then-else statements:

parseDockAppMode :: String -> Maybe DockAppMode
parseDockAppMode "none"   = Just None
parseDockAppMode "simple" = Just Simple
parseDockAppMode "wmaker" = Just WMaker
parseDockAppMode _        = Nothing

Finally, using a map:

import Data.Map

_dockAppModeMap :: Map String DockAppMode
_dockAppModeMap = fromList [("none", None), ("simple", Simple), ("wmaker", WMaker)]

parseDockAppMode' :: String -> DockAppMode
parseDockAppMode' = (_dockAppModeMap !)


Hash tables exist as the HashMap class, and strings are a first-class type:

import java.util.HashMap;

class Example {
    enum DockAppMode {

    private static final HashMap<String, DockAppMode> dockAppModeMap = new HashMap<String, DockAppMode>() {{
        put("none", DockAppMode.NONE);
        put("simple", DockAppMode.SIMPLE);
        put("wmaker", DockAppMode.WMAKER);

    public DockAppMode parseDockAppMode(String s) {
        return dockAppModeMap.get(s);

I am not writing any more than that.


The language some claim will become the new C. While there is no syntactic sugar for hash tables, the standard library has a HashMap collection we can use, and like Haskell it also offers pattern matching. I can’t even pretend to know Rust, and my silly attempts at compiling something for this were rejected by Rust’s compiler.