Nothing to see here, frankly speaking

But I kinda want you to read it!

There’s not a lot to see here, but feel free to look around. Hopefully there’s something of use to you on this website. I’ll write about whatever comes to mind as it comes to mind, so if my words read like scattered thoughts, they probably are.

The website is a constant work in progress. I’m not a front-end developer and never will be. When JavaScript is present, it is meant to enhance the user experience and will never be required to view the content. That means no content will be assembled using React.js, Vue, or the like. There is nothing wrong with those frameworks, I just don’t believe they are necessary for a website like this one.

Source code, generation, hosting, etc.

The website is hosted on GitHub Pages, and the pages are generated through Hugo. You can find the entire source code, including the GitHub Actions workflow that publishes it to the gh-pages branch on this repository on GitHub.

You can find repositories on my GitHub profile for other projects of mine, be it silly things I’ve decided to put up online against my better judgment or genuine work that I’ve put up online for people to use.

I try to make contributions to some of the projects that I use personally. One of those is xmonad/xmonad-contrib, the repository containing user submitted modules for use with XMonad, the purely functional window manager for X11 written in Haskell. It’s nice to think changes I’ve made, even entire modules, are in use by other XMonad users.

What can I expect to see on this site?

Hopefully some tutorials, ramblings, and real life cases that I think bear some relevance and could be the source of insight for other like minded people. For example, it’s no mystery that I like Git. This website is versioned with Git, and there will always be a link in the page footer to the last commit that changed the page you are looking at. If you like Git, perhaps you’ll find that pretty cool!

I’ll do my best to make these pages available in multiple languages, both as a way to practice them and as a way to reach more people through them. If it all goes according to plan, other people will be helping me out by reviewing the different versions of the content in other languages.

Send me mail, encrypted or not

If you wish to communicate with me, send a message to me at this domain. In case you want to send encrypted messages:

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